Push Notifications

How to check status of web-push notification?

Purpose of the API
The purpose of the API is to check the status of a web-push notification.

Request URL

Request Method
The API can be requested via GET

The format for the request input is: path-parameters

Security Headers

Name Value
X-Reson8-ID reson8rest-oa
X-Reson8-Token ada2dbe85881dd101af6e4854577f56a30c733eb31de07d84eeb3f83d11c6825
api-key Refer How to get access to the API key?
Request Attributes

Name Value
notificationID notification-id of the notification for which status needs to be checked

Sample Request

Response Attributes

Name Value
requestID unique request reference (available only post authentication)
errorLevel error category (available only post authentication)
procResponse status/error description
statusInfo array of objects providing recipient-wise status-information
Sample Response

"requestID": "4b1f8ebb-785d-4515-a18f-bf72f79b981a",
"errorLevel": 0,
"statusInfo": [{"deviceID":"1a7acabef8f74cabb5256f2e890683fd","status":"Y","errorDesc":"N/A" }]

Response Error-Levels

Name Value
0 request completed successfully
9001 data validation failure
9002 request processing/information retrieval failure
9998/9999 unexpected application error

Exact error/status description will be available in the procResponse attribute in the response body

HTTP Response Codes

Name Value
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
429 Too many requests
500 Unexpected application error